Revised February 14, 2022
Officer duties:
President: The president provides leadership and guidance, including conducting the meetings and overseeing club activities. The president is authorized to sign checks. The position may be shared by two people.
Vice President: The vice president assists the president and presides at meetings and functions in the president's absence.
Secretary: The secretary records and obtains approval for the meeting minutes, which are posted to the website.
Treasurer: The treasurer handles all aspects of finance and compliance. This includes signing checks, initiating and recording financial transactions and reports, developing a budget, obtaining insurance, and filing necessary state and federal documents.
Terms for officers:
The president and treasurer shall serve a two-year term, renewable, ending in odd-numbered years.
The vice president and secretary shall serve a two-year term, renewable, ending in even-numbered years.
Committee chairs are appointed by the president. If the chair feels it necessary, she may appoint members to the committee to complete the committee's charge.
Compassion Committee: This committee keeps track of and responds to members experiencing difficult times, such as illness, death of a loved one or other challenging life circumstances. This may involve providing a meal, encouragement or condolence card, plant, flower arrangement or donation to a charity designated by the family. The committee chair may exercise discretion in determining an appropriate amount to spend for each of these occurrences.
Fundraising Committee: This committee raises funds to support our current philanthropic endeavors.
Operations Committee: The president serves as an ex officio member of the operations committee. This committee maintains and updates club bylaws and procedures. Changes to these documents are approved by board and the membership. Current copies should be posted on the website. The operations committee also functions as nominating committee, which compiles and presents a slate of members to fill leadership positions vacant at the end of the year.
Philanthropic Committee: This committee administers and determines recipients for the club's philanthropic programs. The club's funding area is Ridgway and Colona. Responsibilities include:
-selecting worthy scholarship recipients and allocating designated funds to their school of choice;
-administering teacher grant program; and
-coordinating special requests for funds not included in club annual budget.
Typically the club will convene for 4 to 6 business and social meetings a year, usually in February, April, June, August, October and December. The meeting is the second Monday of the month. Members are asked to RSVP for the meeting to assist the hostess, who chooses the time and determines the menu.
Annual membership dues are collected at the first meeting of each calendar year. The amount, determined by membership vote, is used for the holiday party.
Club inventory:
Club equipment and supplies are currently housed in Irene Stith's garage. An inventory of these possessions, which are for club use, is posted on the website.
Revised February 14, 2022
Officer duties:
President: The president provides leadership and guidance, including conducting the meetings and overseeing club activities. The president is authorized to sign checks. The position may be shared by two people.
Vice President: The vice president assists the president and presides at meetings and functions in the president's absence.
Secretary: The secretary records and obtains approval for the meeting minutes, which are posted to the website.
Treasurer: The treasurer handles all aspects of finance and compliance. This includes signing checks, initiating and recording financial transactions and reports, developing a budget, obtaining insurance, and filing necessary state and federal documents.
Terms for officers:
The president and treasurer shall serve a two-year term, renewable, ending in odd-numbered years.
The vice president and secretary shall serve a two-year term, renewable, ending in even-numbered years.
Committee chairs are appointed by the president. If the chair feels it necessary, she may appoint members to the committee to complete the committee's charge.
Compassion Committee: This committee keeps track of and responds to members experiencing difficult times, such as illness, death of a loved one or other challenging life circumstances. This may involve providing a meal, encouragement or condolence card, plant, flower arrangement or donation to a charity designated by the family. The committee chair may exercise discretion in determining an appropriate amount to spend for each of these occurrences.
Fundraising Committee: This committee raises funds to support our current philanthropic endeavors.
Operations Committee: The president serves as an ex officio member of the operations committee. This committee maintains and updates club bylaws and procedures. Changes to these documents are approved by board and the membership. Current copies should be posted on the website. The operations committee also functions as nominating committee, which compiles and presents a slate of members to fill leadership positions vacant at the end of the year.
Philanthropic Committee: This committee administers and determines recipients for the club's philanthropic programs. The club's funding area is Ridgway and Colona. Responsibilities include:
-selecting worthy scholarship recipients and allocating designated funds to their school of choice;
-administering teacher grant program; and
-coordinating special requests for funds not included in club annual budget.
Typically the club will convene for 4 to 6 business and social meetings a year, usually in February, April, June, August, October and December. The meeting is the second Monday of the month. Members are asked to RSVP for the meeting to assist the hostess, who chooses the time and determines the menu.
Annual membership dues are collected at the first meeting of each calendar year. The amount, determined by membership vote, is used for the holiday party.
Club inventory:
Club equipment and supplies are currently housed in Irene Stith's garage. An inventory of these possessions, which are for club use, is posted on the website.