2024 Teacher Grants
We thank the Ouray County Community Fund along with Citizens State Bank for its $1,000 grant to support Fortuna Tierra Club's grants to teachers for 2024. The OCCF increased their support by $500 from previous years. Fortuna Tierra Club received the $1,000 check from Ouray Community Fund on November 30, 2023. In FTC's 2024 budget, there is $1,000 for teacher grants for Ridgway Elementary School teachers and $1,000 for for teacher grants for Ridgway Middle School teachers. The funds will be distributed to the Ridgway Elementary School and the Ridgway Middle School teachers in the Fall of 2024.
2023 Teacher Grants
We thank the Ouray County Community Fund along with Citizens State Bank for its $500 grant to support Fortuna Tierra Club's grants to teachers for 2023. Linda Mogetz, Vice-President of Fortuna Tierra Club, is pictured receiving the $500 check from Ouray Community Fund on November 15, 2022. The $1,000 provided to the Ridgway Elementary School were for reading intervention resources purchased from 95% Group. The $1,000 provided to the Ridgway Middle School were for a classroom set of snowshoes to be used during the Middle School Outdoor Education classes, as well as winter adventure days and physical education classes. In FTC's 2023 budget, there is $1,000 for teacher grants for Ridgway Elementary School teachers and is $1,000 for for teacher grants for Ridgway Middle School teachers.
2022 Teacher Grants
We thank the Ouray County Community Fund along with Citizens State Bank for its $500 grant to support Fortuna Tierra Club's grants to teachers for 2022.
Fortuna Tierra Club provided Ridgway Elementary School the following teacher grant in 2022 for $1,000 newly purchased literacy program Collaborative Classroom.
Fortuna Tierra Club provided Ridgway Middle School the following teacher grants in 2022 for $1,000:
Fortuna Tierra Club provided Ridgway Elementary School the following teacher grant in 2022 for $1,000 newly purchased literacy program Collaborative Classroom.
Fortuna Tierra Club provided Ridgway Middle School the following teacher grants in 2022 for $1,000:
- $500 towards an Art Display System (see pictures below).
- $500 towards materials for Stand Up desks.
2021 Teacher Grants
We thank the Ouray County Community Fund along with Citizens State Bank for its $500 grant to support Fortuna Tierra Club's grants to teachers for 2021.
Fortuna Tierra Club provided Ridgway Elementary School the following teacher grants in 2021 for $1,000:
Fortuna Tierra Club provided Ridgway Middle School the following teacher grants in 2021 for $1,000:
Fortuna Tierra Club provided Ridgway Elementary School the following teacher grants in 2021 for $1,000:
- New soccer goals for the RES playground soccer pitch.
- Zipper masks for students to use in music class during their Flutophone/Recorder units.
- Math Intervention student manipulatives.
- Books for Special Education classroom.
- Additional wobble stools for the art room.
Fortuna Tierra Club provided Ridgway Middle School the following teacher grants in 2021 for $1,000:
- New kitchen equipment for new culinary class.
- Physical Education classes purchased ping pong paddles, nets and paddles and wood to build ping pong tables which will be built by the woodshop classes.
- The math teacher to attend the National Council of Mathematics Teachers annual conference (online).
- Two incubators for the first grade classrooms.
- Two pairs of noise cancelling headphones for the special education department.
- Kindergarten Activity Box on the continents to be put together by the kindergarten teacher.
- Different types and sizes of balls plus cones for PE classes.
- Art Supplies for the K-5 art program.
- Byrdseed online subscription for Gifted and Talented students.
2020 Teacher Grants
In 2020, we had in the budget $500 for middle school teacher grants which were provided for the counselor: two games and a print; the Spanish teacher: games and activities; the math teacher: calculators; and outdoor education supplies.
2019 Teacher Grants
We thank the Ouray County Community Fund for its $500 grant to support Fortuna Tierra Club's grants to teachers for 2019. Fortuna Tierra Club provided a total of $1,200 (which includes the $500) for Ridgway Elementary School teachers for PE equipment, privacy barriers for kids, large foam blocks for outside play for preschoolers, watercolor sets, pedometers, and a cart for PE to haul around equipment.
Basin Electric Power Cooperative, a 2019 Log Hill Hustle sponsor, provided $500 for middle school grants for outdoor cooking gear for the Week Without Walls.
2018 Teacher Grants
The Fortuna Tierra Club provided $1,300 for the following teacher grants in 2018:
Class For what Amount
Class For what Amount
- Gifted and Talented Program Books $210
- Music Equipment $350
- Physical Education Equipment $185
- Kindergarten Continent Boxes Supplies $175
- First Grade Incubator $100
- Pre-school Handwriting Program Supplement $280